Choosing a ring size can be quite a challenge - especially when shopping at a distance. Here are some tips and specific measurement methods that will help you find out how to choose your ring size.
The perfect ring, what does is mean?
A ring with the correct circumference will not slip off by itself when washing your hands, but at the same time it will not be unpleasantly pressing on your finger. It is assumed that the best ring size is the one that passes with a slight resistance through the widest ankle of the finger and loosely entwines its base. When you try to slide it off, the ankle will offer a slight resistance, but you won't have to wrestle with it. Of course, each hand has a slightly different shape, so it is worth considering your own comfort of wearing jewelry.
Each finger - a different ring size
While the right and left hands look similar at first glance, in reality their fingers are probably one size different - usually the fingers of the leading hand are slightly thicker than the one you use less frequently. Therefore, it is not worth assuming that the circumference of the ring that you wear on one hand will also be perfect for the other hand. It is also not unusual for neighboring fingers to vary in size by up to two sizes. Remember that each ring size is only 0.33 mm larger than the previous one, so a ring too tight for your index finger can fit perfectly on your ring finger.
Idealny pierścionek, czyli jaki?
Pierścionek o odpowiednim obwodzie nie zsunie się sam podczas mycia rąk, ale jednocześnie nie będzie nieprzyjemnie uciskał palca. Przyjmuje się, że najlepszy rozmiar pierścionka to taki, który przechodzi z lekkim oporem przez najszerszą kostkę palca i luźno oplata jego nasadę. Kiedy spróbujesz go zsunąć – kostka postawi lekki opór, ale nie trzeba będzie się z nią siłować. Oczywiście każda dłoń ma nieco inny kształt, dlatego warto mieć na uwadze przede wszystkim własny komfort noszenia biżuterii.
Każdy palec – inny rozmiar pierścionka
Choć na pierwszy rzut oka prawa i lewa dłoń wyglądają podobnie, w rzeczywistości ich palce prawdopodobnie różnią się o jeden rozmiar – zazwyczaj palce wiodącej dłoni są trochę grubsze niż tej, której używasz rzadziej. Nie warto zatem zakładać, że obwód pierścionka, który nosisz na jednej dłoni, będzie idealny także dla drugiej. Nie jest także niczym niezwykłym, że sąsiednie palce różnią się wielkością nawet o dwa rozmiary. Pamiętaj, że każdy rozmiar pierścionka jest tylko o 0,33 mm większy niż poprzedni, więc pierścionek za ciasny na palec wskazujący może leżeć doskonale na palcu obrączkowym.
When is the best time to take measurements?
Since the measurements of the finger circumference are not conducive to temperature extremes - in the heat the fingers swell and in the cold they shrink slightly - it is also worth paying attention to the weather conditions in which you measure your hands. Our body and hands are susceptible to changes in pressure, weather, circulatory problems and ambient temperature. The optimal time to choose the size of jewelry that will fit perfectly at any time of the year is a day with a moderate temperature. The time of day is also important. As our hands are slightly larger in the evenings, it is then that we recommend choosing new rings and wedding rings.
It is also known that situations such as pregnancy, hormone therapy, steroids, slimming treatments, chemotherapy, radiation etc. etc. have a huge impact on our body and hands, and thus on the size of the ring. During these periods, our fingers may be several sizes swollen and larger, or they may become very thin. These are not the best times to choose your ring size and buy new jewelry. Unless it is an important, vital matter, then this rule does not apply, of course.
Engagement ring and wedding ring - which finger to put on?
In Poland, an engagement ring is worn on the ring finger of the right hand (4th finger from the thumb :)), on the wedding day it is put on the ring finger of the left hand, and in its place is the wedding ring.
In the case of other rings, there is full freedom.
We offer several methods to choose how to choose the size of the ring:
Method 1: Measure your finger
You can measure your finger yourself. A tailor's tape measure will be useful for this, but you may as well use a short string, ribbon or a narrow strip of paper. Precisely wrap your measuring tape around the base of the finger - it should stick to it loosely and not cut into the skin. Read the result on the ruler (or measure the string with a ruler) and compare it with the value of the inner circumferences of the ring in the table. The value that best matches your result will indicate your size. (NOTE: Look at the column with the inner circumference of the ring, not the diameter!)
In the case of an open ring, such as the RING ring (, you can measure with a paper strip around the base of the finger because thanks to the open form you will surely squeeze it through the ankle .
You can also measure the width of your finger with a caliper, but remember that such a measurement can be inaccurate because the body is easily exposed to its metal elements. Be careful that the caliper does not squeeze the root of the finger too tightly. Read the result and compare it with the ring diameter in the table, looking for the value that matches your result.
Method 2: Measure the ring
Another way to find out the size is to measure the ring you already have. From among your jewelry, choose the ring that fits best on the finger on which you are going to wear your new purchase as well. Make sure that its shape is the same everywhere - rings sometimes stop being perfectly round over time. Here again, a caliper comes in handy, which will help to determine the diameter of the ring. Compare the result with the table.
Method 3: visit a jeweler
There is one more method on how to choose the size of the ring. If you want to be 100% sure that the ring will fit perfectly, you can go to a stationary jewelry store. On request, the jeweler will measure the circumference of your fingers with a professional jewelery measure or measuring rings. Each such ring has a size stamped on it and is approximately 3-5 mm high.
If you come to the jeweler with your perfectly fitting ring, the jeweler will measure it on a measure bolt.
The measuring transom is a cone with a scale stamped with sizes and diameters.
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